130 Pondfield Rd • Suite #1 • Bronxville, NY
The effects of a Reiki Session are many.
You may experience:
Alleviation of physical pain or tension as a result of the Reiki Energy inducing a deep relaxation response in the muscles, organs, and tissues of the body.
Increased efficiency and functioning of the body’s internal systems (immune, circulation, digestive, etc), induced by the strengthening and vitalization effect of the Reiki Energy.
Soothing and quieting of mental and emotional stresses, as a result of the Reiki Energy helping the mind and body to process the chemical discharge of an emotional response.
A sense of centering and connection to spiritual dimensions, frequently compared to the experience of being in meditation or in an extremely relaxed state.
How Reiki can help you
Reiki can be used for many ailments like reducing stress, relieving pain, headaches, stomach upsets, back problems, asthma and other respiratory problems, menstrual symptoms and anxiety related to infertility.
Reiki is not affiliated with any belief system, so anyone can receive a Reiki treatment or a Reiki attunement. As in any healing, the first step toward a healthier life is a desire to be healed.
Reiki promotes holistic healing, balances your energy centers, strengthens your immune system, and provides overall relaxation and stress reduction.
The Reiki Precepts
Just for today I will be free of anger
Just for today I will be free of worry
Just for today I will do my work honestly
Just for today I will be kind to myself and every living thing
Dr. Mikao Usui ~ Founder and Teacher of Usui Reiki
Reiki – A Powerful and Gentle Healer
Aids meditation and positive thinking
Strengthens the immune system
Relieves pain
Eases symptoms during pregnancy
Releases blocked and suppressed feelings
Relaxes and reduces stress
Promotes creativity
Balances the energies in the body
Clears toxins
Enhances personal awareness
Promotes natural self-healing
Balances the organs and glands
Adapts to the natural needs of the receiver
Heals holistically
Ask me about Chakra Balancing through Reiki
As a Reiki Intuitive Healer, I have created the following packages to support you in your well being, to create calm, eliminate stress, aches and pains and strengthen your immune system.
Single Reiki sessioN 60 minutes: $150.00
Package of 3 rEIKI sessions 60 minutes each: $410.00
Savings of $40
Specialty Reiki Packages:
Single Reiki session with Chakra Balancing or Cleansing session 75 minutes: $175
PACKAGE 3 Reiki Sessions with Chakra Balancing or Cleansing session 90 minutes each: $485 Savings of $40
Ask Me About Distance Reiki Sessions
I participated in a Wisdom Unlimited Community Saturday event, where Diane Pratt and I were in the same breakout room, when she shared the benefits of Distance Reiki Energy Healing. I was very skeptical that it could actually work, especially since she was in Westchester NY and I was in Central NJ. Nonetheless, I agreed to try a session and followed the directions she outlined for me. My sessions started at 10:00PM and to my surprise, I actually felt “the soothing and twitching energy” in my shoulders and back. And then I suddenly felt “loose” and to my surprise it was at the time my session was scheduled to end at 11:00PM. I was still awake, so I read for a while and then had good nights sleep! I had another session two weeks later. This time I fell asleep at the onset of the session, woke up about an hour into the session for a nature call and was able to go back to sleep with ease. My third session was a week after my second session and my experience in this session was similar to my experience in my first session. It has been two weeks since my third session and I still feel relaxed, l’m experiencing less aches and pain, it is more subdued! And my skepticism is gone. I definitely recommend that you give yourself the gift of a Reiki Session with Diane, as I found out.... IT WORKS FROM 50 OR SO MILES AWAY!!!
Alynn Green, Retired Teacher, Central NJ
A few years ago, I started Reiki sessions with Diane Pratt, to take care of my overall health due to my hectic work schedule. After my Reiki sessions, I feel a sense of calm and relaxation, which my colleague also noticed and commented on my calm nature. I continue with my reiki practice to deepen my sense of presence in the hectic pace of my industry.
Brendalyn King ~ Healthcare VP www.myAidin.com
Please observe that Reiki should never be used instead of medical treatment, it should be used as a compliment and a way to improve your health and remain healthy.